I can't believe it's already October and I just have a few more days to enjoy my 40's! Time really does march along, doesn't it?
Gary has a birthday this week, also, and as has become our tradition in the last few years, we took some time off to rest & relax. We started our week at a motorcycle race in Clanton, Alabama, went to Atlanta from there and enjoyed a spectacular bi-plane adventure, and some heartbreaking ballgames as the Braves lost their wildcard spot to St Louis by losing all 3 games we attended to Philadelphia. We have consoled ourselves by ending the week in beautiful Orange Beach, Al with specatular weather and very little pressing that we had to do.
Earlier this week, our oldest daughter sent her dad a text asking what he wants for his birthday. He is truly the man who has everything, and if you have one of those in your life, you know how difficult they can be to buy for. He sent her several lengthy texts detailing his wish list (I think there were a total of 5). His list was full of wit and wisdom, asking for nothing that costs money. Some of the things he requested were tongue in cheek (Misty, he was kidding about the 6 grandkids - we're completely content to have grand dogs and cats), others were wise suggestions that would make the world a better place. However, he did wish for no more DSW stores, which was just plain mean-spirited in light of the current economy.
His list made me start thinking about a list of my own. I, too, am blessed beyond measure. I have all that I need, as well as most things I want, so if I had some birthday wishes, what would they be? I've included them here for you - if it's in your power to grant one, please feel free to do so. Some are serious, some are silly, and some are selfish. But, they're my wishes & I'll only turn 50 once. They are kind of random, and aren't in order of importance.
I wish that (or for)...
... our country would turn its face back to God and be the Christian nation that made us great.
...we would no longer live in a country divided, but would share the common goals of making our country great again and being messengers to the world of the good news.
...prayer would be allowed in school again.
...those who profess Christianity would live their faith.
...I would finish my marathon upright and smiling. I'll settle for upright. The smile will come later.
...I won't get so caught up in finishing the marathon that I forget to enjoy the journey.
,,,I could wear my high heels again and not be sad every time I look at my poor feet.
...politicians would remember that they are public servants and only serve us for a season before returning to the private sector.
...people wouldn't get so caught up in power and money that they forget how to be decent human beings.
...no more big government.
...big business would become more customer oriented and less profit driven. There are many examples of businesses where this is the norm, and they are extremely successful. Chick-fil-A and Starbucks come to mind. Not perfect, but closer than most.
...all my children would have joyous, Christ centered lives spent with a Godly spouse who values them second only to God. I say "all my children" because there are a lot, too many to list here, but you know who you are. I only gave birth to one of you, and some of you don't share my bloodline, but you're mine all the same.
...all my children would know the comfort and peace of a personal relationship with God. I would never wish their lives be problem free, only that they know the problem solver and have faith that they will never face anything that they won't have the strength to endure.
,,,I could eat whatever I wanted and not suffer any physical repercussions from it.
,,,my ITB and hamstrings would stop hurting.
,,,I will always have a half full glass.
,,,the ability to travel back in time and change some things.
,,,to hear my Momma's voice again.
...the wisdom to know when to speak up and when to shut up.
...the courage to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves.
,,,to be a better listener.
...the ability to help those who need me, and the wisdom to know when they do.
...to dive with a whale shark in the wild.
...to make art that makes me happy and be less concerned about what the world thinks.
...for the next 50 years to go by a little more slowly.
...to enjoy more sunrises and sunsets at the beach and to go to sleep and wake up to the sound of waves crashing.
That's not a comprehensive list, I'm sure I left some things out. I may add to it later, but you can get started on it now. In fact, I'll give you the entire year to work on it. Just see what you can do, I'm pretty low maintenance. ;)
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