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Saturday, January 14, 2012

The magic of the run

It was cold this morning in South Mississippi.  I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again, I don't do cold.  So, getting motivated for this morning's long run was tough.  I fixed Gary some breakfast and sent him off to ride, then did the morning houskeeping chores, so by the time I hit the trail, it was close to 10 am.  The temps had risen considerably, and I have to say, by the time I started running the weather was close to perfect.

2012 hasn't started off all that well for me.  Usually, a new year is still bright and shiny at this stage, but somehow, this year has been a little dull and blah.  Nothing major, just nagging concerns about some things in my life, as well as more pressing concerns about some of the people that I love.  Life is tough, and there are those in my life who are struggling with huge life issues: illness, death of a spouse, infidelity, divorce, work worries, and bad relationships.  I love being a prayer warrior, but sometimes life seems overwhelming.

So, the run this morning had the potential to be just another run.  Another thing checked off my never ending to do list.  But, it wasn't.  I've mentioned that I'm training for a half marathon the first weekend of March.  I'm really looking forward to it, and signed up for it with the intention of training for a PR.  After NYC, my knee was an issue, so I've taken some extra time to work on it, and as a result, I let the half slip up on me.  Just a month ago, March seemed like a long time away, now suddenly, it's almost here.  So, I dug out my training plan, counted backwards to the week I was on, and set off.  The trouble was, I'm not quite ready for that intensity yet.  This morning's run brought clarity to my training and reminded me what my focus for this year is:  to lose that nagging 25 pounds that I've put on the back burner for the last couple of years.  So, I've revised my training to be much more manageable, while pushing me toward my weight goal.  That means the Seaside half will most likely not be a PR, but, so what?  There will be another race later this year and I'll fix my sights on that one for a PR.

What brought the clarity?  What helped banish the blahs that have floated around me like a persistant odor for the past several weeks?  Was it the run?  No, not really.  It was the time spent alone with God.  Listening to His word spoken to me by one of my favorite pastors. This week's podcast was on "Just one thing..."  Focusing on the one thing in our lives that we really need to change in order to be the person that God wants us to be.  Now, for me there are several, but the message brought much needed clarity and focus to the plans I have for the year.  Listen to it, I won't try to rewrite it here.

I challenge you to find your "one thing" this year.  Pray about it, search your Bible for answers about it, meditate on it with God as your leader.  Don't let anything distract you from your journey.

3 so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down."  Nehemiah 6:3a 

This morning on Long Leaf Trace
There's really no magic in a run.  The "magic" is in the time spent listening to God speak.  It just so happens that, for me, that usually happens on a run.  It's why I run alone.

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